Sure, as a marketer, you have to reach ICPs (ideal customer profiles) wherever they hang out and invite them to discover your unique solutions. But are your solutions unique, though? If Your ICP does not understand what makes you stand out, there are zero reasons to go with you.
Leadgen and demand problems are often the result of weak messaging and poor positioning. If ICPs are looking for a product or service like the one you are offering, there are usually multiple options on the market (often tens of them). They all have the prices, quality, and flexibility to fulfill demanding desires. And there stand you, one of those options, promising the same.
Out of the sameness, why should they choose you?
Usually, ICP considers only three things when making a purchase decision:
- Brand fame
- Recommendations
- Messaging
The first two will take years to get going and truly benefit your business. Improving messaging is the fastest and most controllable way to drive more demand. How so:
- Great messaging boosts conversion rates
In every step of your marketing or sales funnel, ICP must decide whether to bounce or find out more. Great messaging helps ICPs to make those decisions. Is this a fit for me? Can I afford it? What if XYZ happens? Proper messaging reduces friction and leads more prospects to say “yes” at every step of the funnel. It also ensures more quality leads with a smaller marketing budget. - Differentiation creates demand
A list of features and a description of what you can do for a customer do not cut it, especially in crowded markets. A solid strategy is to research what category leaders are doing and saying. Then, do the opposite, or at least strongly differently. You will never win if You do the same as category leaders (without brand fame, recommendations, or unlimited funds). Differentiate, and you’ll create space in the market, creating demand for your brand and driving more business. - Alligned messaging helps the whole machine run smoother
Marketing and sales often do not speak the same language. This frequently reflects on leads who enter the pipeline with a promised solution for a specific problem. Although marketing has already diagnosed the pain or parts of it, sales start from the beginning, wasting ICP’s attention and time. Aligned messaging helps the whole machine run smoother, attracts the right leads, and allows sales to close faster.
Most companies have an undiagnosed messaging and differentiation problem. Fix that, and it fixes your leadgen problem.